Liu An Gua Pian Green Tea

Liu An Gua Pian Green Tea: One of the Top Ten Chinese Teas, look like melon seeds, have emerald green color, high fragrance, delicious taste, and resistance to brewing. Piancha refers to a variety of tea made entirely of leaves without buds and stems. When tea is made, the mist evaporates and the fragrance overflows.


It is produced in Qishan and other places in the Lu’an area of Anhui Province,China. Among them, the best ones are produced in Lu’an and its subordinate Jinzhai County and Huoshan County.


1. Plucking.

Generally, mining occurs around Guyu and ends before the Xiaoman solar term. The picking standard is mainly one bud, two three leaves, and the masses are used to calling it “open face” picking.


2. the wrench

Fresh leaves must be picked in time. It is divided into three types: tender leaves (or small pieces), old pieces (or large pieces) and tea stems (or pin handles).


3.raw pot and cooked pot

The wok has a diameter of about 70 cm and is inclined at 30 degrees. The two pots are adjacent to each other and cooked once in a lifetime. The temperature of the raw pot is about 100°C, and the cooked pot is slightly lower. Throw 100 grams of leaves, reduce tender slices, and increase old leaves slightly. After the fresh leaves are put in the pot, stir-fry them with a bamboo silk broom or a knotted broom for 1-2 minutes, which is mainly used to kill the green leaves. When the leaves become soft, sweep the raw pot leaves into the cooked pot, arrange the strips, fry while patting, so that the leaves gradually become flaky. The amount of force depends on the tenderness of the fresh leaves. , The broomstick relaxes to preserve color and shape. When sautéing old leaves, the handles of the broom should be tightened and patted into slices. Stir-fry until the leaves are basically shaped and the water content is about 30%, it will be out of the pot and immediately put on the kang.


4.hairy fire

Use a roasting cage with charcoal fire to throw about 1.5 kg of leaves per cage, and the top temperature of the drying is about 100 ℃, and it can be dried until 80 to 90% dry. After picking out the yellow pieces, floating leaves, red tendons, and old leaves, mix the young leaves and old pieces evenly.


5. small fire

It should be carried out one day after the fire at the latest, and each cage should throw 2.5~3 kg of leaves. The fire temperature should not be too high, and it can be baked until it is close to dryness.

6.old fire(last baking )

Also called Laohuo, it is the last baking, which has a great influence on the formation of special color, aroma, taste and shape. The old fire requires high fire temperature, and the fire is fierce. The charcoal kiln is lined up and squeezed tightly, and the fire is soaring to the sky. Three to 4 kilograms of leaves are thrown in each cage. Two people lift the drying cage and bake it on charcoal fire for 2 to 3 seconds. In order to make full use of the charcoal fire, 2 to 3 drying cages can be baked on top in turn. Bake it straight until the leaves are green with frost. Put it into an iron cylinder while it is hot, step on it in layers, and seal it with solder for storage.


The above is an introduction to the production process of Lu’an Guapian Tea. Generally speaking, the most authentic Luan melon green tea is only the Luan melon green tea made with the local special tea in Lu’an and traditional craftsmanship. Therefore, if tea lovers want to buy authentic Lu’an Gua Pian tea, they can learn about the brand of Lu’an Gua Pian before buying so that they can buy the Lu’an Gua Pian tea that suits them.

Post time: Jul-15-2021