Three common production techniques for West Lake Longjing

West Lake Longjing is a non-fermented tea with a cold nature. Famous for its “green color, fragrant aroma, sweet taste, and beautiful shape”, West Lake Longjing has three production techniques: handmade, semi-handmade, and tea processing machine.

Tea Processing Machine (2)

Three common production techniques for West Lake Longjing

1. Traditional techniques – all handmade. Starting from finalizing to finished dry tea. It takes 4-5 hours. Make a pound of dry tea.

  feature of product

Appearance: Dark color, firm and heavy body, leaves with small bubble spots.

Aroma: When brewing, the aroma is sweet, chestnut, and if the raw materials are high-quality, there is also a floral aroma.

Taste: refreshing, refreshing, sweet aftertaste, slightly sweet cold soup, mellow and smooth.

Soup color: bright yellow, clear. It is mainly yellow and bright, with rich inner substance and high foaming resistance.

2. Traditional craftsmanship plus machine – semi-manual production process. The tea leaves are first cured by a tea fxation machine and then dried in a manual iron pot. The production speed can be greatly improved, and the taste can largely retain the handmade characteristics. It not only increases the output, but also retains the aroma and taste as much as possible, which is cost-effective.

tea fxation machine

feature of product

Appearance: flat, smooth, pointed at both ends, flat in the middle, shaped like a bowl nail. Color yellow-green.

Aroma: Slightly sweet, chestnut aroma, second only to handmade.

Taste: fresh and sweet.

Soup color: yellow-green, tender yellow and bright, lighter than hand-made soup.

3. Machine-made tea-increases production and reduces labor time. From greening to dry tea finished products, machines such as tea fxation machine and tea roasting machinery are used throughout the process. The production speed has increased, but the aroma and taste are slightly lacking.

Tea Roasting Machinery

  feature of product

Appearance: Obvious features, flat, light and not heavy. The leaves are open, and the mouth (mouth) of the tea leaf is open, not closed, and not pointed at both ends.

Aroma: Classic bean aroma, not chestnut aroma, sweet aroma. The endoplasm is more dispersed.

Taste: Refreshing, refreshing, not mellow and rich in content.

Soup color: light green, clear soup.

Post time: Apr-01-2024